Episode 3

March 09, 2021


Episode 3 - Making Nice

Episode 3 - Making Nice
The All Night Society
Episode 3 - Making Nice

Mar 09 2021 | 01:34:08


Show Notes

“Hear no evil, speak no evil, and you won’t be invited to cocktail parties.”
– Oscar Wilde

Elysium is a place where Kindred can meet without fear of harm. No matter the city, violence and the use of Disciplines is strictly prohibited within its walls. The location — or locations, if a population is large enough — is usually of cultural signifiance. Theaters, operas, and museums are popular choices, but in Chicago? There’s no Elysium quite like the Succubus Club.

It’s important to note: “violence” doesn’t include scheming, plotting, or the myriad forms of social aggression that Kindred are capable of. After delivering their Lasombra charge(5:44), the coterie divvies up their time conversing with an Ashirra ambassador (17:22), the local Sheriff (26:46), an Anarch thirsty for Garou blood (31:06), and a Chantry colleague (37:41). But when the Prince takes the stage to make his big announcement (1:00:00)? We see just how much the sanctity of Elysium is worth.

Ivy LaRoux - Vee Locke (@veeisforvampire)
Joshua Crozier - Andrew McGuffin
Rebecca Mitchell - Abigail Alek
Storyteller - Aaron Hammonds (@aaroninwords)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: You're listening to the All Night Society, an actual play podcast brought to you by Queens Court Games. Well, when last we were with the Coterie, they were on the cusp of something so grand. With a lasambra delegate in tow, rebecca was about to enter Elysium, delivering this ambassador to the prince and setting off, no doubt, an incredible diplomatic meeting. Joshua and Schmendrick were wrapping up the loose ends of the men who had attacked them, handing them over to a vampire named Bronwyn, of whom Schmendrick definitely did not approve. And Ivy was in the middle of her own grand decision. Yes, cities rise and fall based on the company that princes keep, but that does nothing to diminish the importance of the right outfit at the right time for the right people. And while Prince Jackson will have to make decisions about the future of the camarilla, ivy has to make decisions about the future of Schmendrick. So, digging into your closet, what do you pull out for your nosferatu friend? [00:01:37] Speaker B: I mean, my wardrobe runs the gamut between dark black and slightly darker black. There's some red in there once in a while to jazz it up. Luckily, weirdly, schmender and I have kind of the same style, so it doesn't feel too weird for me to look through my closet and try and find something that either she would approve of or that I wouldn't mind her wearing. That's the hard part, is figuring out what I wouldn't mind her wearing. So I end up going to the end of my closet that has not, like the ratty clothes, but not the more expensive pieces, and I end up finding an old band shirt from high school. It's just been one of those things that's been a staple of my closet wardrobe for forever. But it is long, long past its prime, and it's been a very long time since it's even been a t shirt. So it is now a tank top cut up in that way that you do to go with it. I grab a simple black skirt with an elastic waistband. It might be a little shorter than Schmendrick likes to wear, but that's fine. And then to finish it off, I would give her an old, dark denim jacket that is way hidden in the back of the closet. One of those things I don't quite want to get rid of yet, but I also don't wear. [00:03:13] Speaker A: And to be clear, you're fine with any of these things coming back with loose skin or some flakes on them? [00:03:20] Speaker B: She assured me that she does not crack or peel or ooze. If it does come back with skin flakes or grossness on it, we're going to have words, because she promised. [00:03:36] Speaker A: Right? And what is a vampire without their word, exactly? Well, as awkward as it is for Ivy to part with some of her clothing, I'm guessing the mood is similarly awkward in the car as Joshua and Schmendrick return from their parking garage. Rendezvous tor delisium. What's the conversation like in there? [00:04:01] Speaker C: The mood in the car is heavy. I'm not exactly talkative. For the moment, I'm more stewing in contemplation this has part of my reason for coming to Chicago was to kind of deal with this situation, and it's coming on me a lot faster than I would have assumed it would. [00:04:25] Speaker A: Joshua Schmendrick is doing, I suppose, her impression of your own mood a little off kilter, a little tense. How does that make you feel? [00:04:38] Speaker D: I'm really not sure what to think. We delivered the loose ends like we were supposed to. Damien sent what he considered a trusted associate. Clearly. But from what schmendric has told me about what Bronwyn is involved in, I suppose on some level, I feel bad for disregarding her concern, for telling her not to worry about it, even though we didn't have much of a choice. [00:05:08] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like what you said. If we were to not drop them off, it would probably raise a lot of questions. Best to play along for the moment. [00:05:19] Speaker A: Your own personal version of the masquerade. [00:05:23] Speaker C: Masquerade within a masquerade. [00:05:26] Speaker A: Well, Rebecca, you don't have the luxury of waiting for your friends. The Prince was extraordinarily clear about his deadline. So while the others wrap up their respective business, you'll be leading a lasambra into the who's who of Chicago Kindred. Elysium at the Succubus Club is always well attended, but word has already gotten out that the Prince expects to make a very important announcement tonight. So even people on the fringe who might not normally show up are going to be in attendance. Are you a regular on the Elysium circuit? [00:06:02] Speaker E: Not precisely. I attend when I'm needed. I want to avoid them as much as I can. And here I am with the biggest statement I can make in Elysium standing right next to me. [00:06:14] Speaker A: It can't feel good knowing that most people will see you and your usual absence now interrupted, of course, makes that moment stick in their mind. And at some point, they're going to realize who your guest is, and the two of you will be forever married in that moment. So far as the local kindred scene. [00:06:35] Speaker E: Is concerned, sierra is going to be pleased about that. [00:06:40] Speaker A: If Sierra is capable of being pleased by anything, I doubt entering Elysium on the arm of a gangrel is going to make that list. [00:06:49] Speaker E: Hey? At the very least, the feelings mutual. [00:06:52] Speaker A: Well, it's likely not your first time in the Succubus Club, but it's your first time in the Succubus Club when it's packed like this. The Castlecom dance venue is a three story affair. There's an enormous open dance floor on the ground floor, above which there's a second tier with tables, stools, that kind of thing, for people who want to be a part of the party while also being apart from the party. And then the third floor, where a number of private booths sit behind soundproof glass, allowing them to survey the kingdom of the dance floor without having to deal with the noise. It is, of course, the case that the third floor is reserved on Elysium Nights for Kindred and their guests. Directly opposite you, Damien, the sheriff, is playing with his band Baby Chorus. The four of them strumming out an experimental jazz number on the semicircular stage that dominates the far end of the room. The very moment you enter, you notice his eyes sweeping back and forth across the entrance to the building's main stage area. It doesn't take him very long at all to spot you. The music is relaxed, but Damien isn't, especially not once he makes eye contact. And though it would be hopeless for him to attempt to bring words to your direction over the din of the crowd and his own music, you nevertheless get the sense that you're being directed to meet him by the stage. [00:08:28] Speaker E: Well, I'll follow his gaze. The sooner I handle this potential disaster in a quieter manner, preferably without being in the middle of the party, the better. [00:08:40] Speaker A: Well, Damien makes a point to not let the set go on too long. In the very moment that applause is burning up from the dance floor, he's already turning to the side, stalking to the edge of the stage and jumping down to meet you. Oh, great. Glad you made it safely. No telling how many people are hungry for Magister blood these nights. Not that I can blame them. Where's everybody else? [00:09:07] Speaker E: They're handling the rest of the situation, as you can understand. Where? I gesture to the empty space next to Sierra. We're a guest short. I can explain more, but probably not out here. [00:09:21] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a good call. All right, I'll tell you what. Let me talk to the band for a couple seconds and then I'll meet you behind the stage, all right? [00:09:32] Speaker E: All right. [00:09:33] Speaker A: Take her with you. Don't let her out of your sight. [00:09:35] Speaker E: Gotcha, Sheriff. [00:09:37] Speaker A: So Damien shares a few words with his bandmates, ensuring they'll play off a good solo instrumental number before he returns. As promised, he meets you behind the stage. Sierra's still sitting there. It's not secure in the way that either you or the Sheriff or likely your lasambra companion would like, but it's as isolated as you can be right now without causing any more trouble. That third balcony behind the soundproof glass that offers an incredible view of the stage. There's no counting how many eyes would be following the three of you if you left together. So, as haunting instrumentals light up from the stage to fill the room, damien crosses his arms across his chest. All right, fill me in. [00:10:29] Speaker E: Well, it began with picking up our package from the airport. Everything went well until we got back to our quarters, so to speak. We woke up to some mortals with intentions that were less than pure, mainly turning us to Ash in the middle of the day. The others are handling the remains of that. The two who were witnesses will be silenced, as I'm sure Joshua told you. But we have no idea where Malinkov is. [00:10:57] Speaker A: All right. This second guy, did he disappear before or after your friend showed up? [00:11:04] Speaker E: He was there still in the day's sleep. But when we woke up again, he was gone. Didn't take the hostages with him or anything. [00:11:13] Speaker A: Damien takes a moment to digest this information, turns to Sierra. He asks, do you know anything about this? And Sierra, for her part, nothing but denials. She has no idea what her clan mate is up to or where he's gone. She leaves unspoken the assumption that regardless, this is pretty bad news. [00:11:39] Speaker E: I mean, bad news is a light way to put it. Very. At least it's not the worst news so far. [00:11:46] Speaker A: All right, well, we'll put that in the pile of things we have to deal with. Miss Van Burris, is it? If you'll follow me, I have someone who would very much like to meet you. As for you, Rebecca, why don't you go make nice in the crowd for a while? I'll let you know if we need anything more. [00:12:06] Speaker E: Of course. I'll give him a nod and head out. Out of my hands now. Great. [00:12:14] Speaker A: Well, at least you get to pick your friends. Sort of. There are easily 80 to 100 vampires here tonight. They can't all be in the same corner of the room. So by choosing carefully the conversations that you decide to join, you can avoid some stairs more than others. On the topic of stairs, I'm interested to see the kind of stairs that Schmendrick gives Ivy when her outfit arrives. Damien instructed you to park behind the building near the service entrances. I'm assuming you gave that information to Ivy as well to coordinate your arrival. [00:12:54] Speaker C: Of course. [00:12:56] Speaker A: So then tell me what happens next. [00:13:00] Speaker B: I'm sure my rideshare driver looked a little confused when I told him to go take me to a parking garage, but surely it's not the weirdest thing he's ever dealt with. When we pull up to the parking garage, I hop out, wave him off, and once he leaves, I head into the van, open the door, pile into the seat, smile at Schmendrick, and present her with a beautifully wrapped little package. It's not like I just threw the clothes in a trash bag. They are wrapped up very nicely and neatly, and I just hand them to her, say, here you go. [00:13:41] Speaker C: Thanks. I appreciate it. Not every day I get doused gasoline and then have to show up to Elysium, so oh, hey. This is cute. [00:13:50] Speaker B: Oh, good. I'm glad you think so. [00:13:54] Speaker C: It's pity nobody will see it. [00:13:58] Speaker B: Well, then I put tremendously too much thought into it, clearly. [00:14:03] Speaker C: Well, maybe later on tonight, but as far as I recall, there are people in there. Like people people, so I gotta yeah. [00:14:12] Speaker B: But you can still let the kindred. [00:14:14] Speaker A: See what you look like. [00:14:16] Speaker B: Just saying. [00:14:19] Speaker C: Yeah. I'll definitely not be cloaked once I get upstairs, but through the front entrance, up the stairs. That's going to require some invisibility, some cloaking, as it were. [00:14:33] Speaker B: I do have a question. How does Schmendrick's powers and stuff work when it comes to is it just something where she can activate these powers and then people just kind of avoid looking at her and she can change without ever having to worry about it instead of doing that thing that every girl everywhere knows how to do? Where you change a shirt in the car without having to take the first shirt off. [00:14:54] Speaker A: Obfuscate is a mental power. It interferes with the mind's ability to recognize that someone is there. It's not literal, invisibility. If she decides she doesn't want to be seen, then she isn't seen. You just don't recognize that she's there. [00:15:10] Speaker B: Oh, my God. That's so useful. [00:15:13] Speaker C: Extremely. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Just thinking about all those times having to change clothes in the car. That would have been so handy. [00:15:20] Speaker C: Yeah. Donning. The cute outfit. I'm actually not as shy as Ivy might like. I will start ripping off my shirt right away and just kind of go, do you mind? Before changing completely and getting ready to go into Elysium. [00:15:38] Speaker A: Right. Because it's on them not to look right. [00:15:41] Speaker C: Precisely. [00:15:42] Speaker B: But if you start changing at the end of a conversation I'm just saying. [00:15:45] Speaker C: Yeah, that's kind of rude of me, but I do it anyways. I'm sorry. [00:15:50] Speaker A: Well, God willing, for privacy reasons, first of all, but holding back the urge to throw up also, you both avert your eyes. But soon enough, Schmendrick has changed. The three of you can enter the party. [00:16:05] Speaker C: I will do my utmost to not be seen by the common folk and sneak around the corners and whatnot. [00:16:12] Speaker A: It's interesting how you and the ventru have something in common, but you're coming at it from very different angles. [00:16:18] Speaker B: That made me laugh. [00:16:20] Speaker A: Well, by the time the three of you enter the building, damien has returned to the stage, which means Sierra has been sequestered somewhere. It stands to reason that you can't leave. But neither do you want to be the kind of wallflowers who sit around just waiting for things to happen. People are starting to recognize a pattern emerging. The lasambra comes in alone. The three of you show up together. No one's ever seen the three of you together before. It's only a matter of time before you locate Rebecca or she locates you. And the four of you kind of catch up. Which means anyone you bump into, if they have even the slightest modicum of curiosity, is going to have questions. So as light refracts out of the enormous crystal chandelier spinning over the dance floor, as bartenders wander to and fro with crimson red cocktails on their trays, what do the four of you get into. [00:17:22] Speaker D: I just want to say that this is the first time I have been among this many kindred at the same time. Like, ever, in fact. So to a certain degree, I am just by default, on edge. But I also am beginning to understand that even if this hasn't been the most pleasant experience so far, I have been given an opportunity. So even though I am not exactly experienced when it comes to interkindrid interactions, I would be aware of the maybe not in name, but in practice banu Hakeem primigen Khadijah Alkindi and I would like to seek her out. [00:18:10] Speaker A: A totally reasonable decision. You are correct that she is not a primigen. And given the dearth of Banu Hakeem in the city, she doesn't pull much sway on internal camarilla issues generally. But she is the Ashira's representative in Chicago, which gives her a tremendous amount of authority. The Ashira is to the Middle East what the Camarilla is to Europe and North America. So she's a very high level diplomat who you have a curious relationship with. She knows you exist. You've introduced yourself to her once or twice. And given that you share blood, if not culture, she's always at least a little willing to hear you out if you have something to say. Khadija is an upstairs kind of vampire, so you'll have to ascend to the third floor to find her. She sits in her own booth, not that she has one assigned, but that people know better than to go wandering into her corner of the club. You recognize her two Ghouls, the thick necked security staff she always keeps around. But they pay you no mind as you approach Khadija. [00:19:21] Speaker D: You mind if I take a seat? [00:19:24] Speaker A: Mr. Crozier, always a pleasure. Please. Yes, of course. [00:19:28] Speaker D: I slide into the booth across from her. Are the Elysiums always this lively? [00:19:38] Speaker A: Well, there's always something going on at the Succubus Club, as I am told. But, no, the crowd is especially dense tonight. A great many faces you don't regularly. [00:19:48] Speaker D: See at these parts, including mine. Right. [00:19:53] Speaker A: Well, your words. [00:19:54] Speaker D: Joshua, listen, these past couple nights have been really strange for me. And without meaning to intrude on you or your business or anything, I was just hoping you might be able to answer a couple questions I had. [00:20:13] Speaker A: Well, I can't guarantee I'll have the knowledge that you seek or be in a position to share it with you, but I would never turn down one of our blood if they require information or assistance. What's weighing on your shoulders? [00:20:26] Speaker D: Well, the first question is for me, and the second one is for us. Which one do you want first? [00:20:32] Speaker A: Well, if you'll pardon my saying so, Joshua, our concerns as they exist will always be at the fore of my mind. Let's start there. [00:20:43] Speaker D: Understandable so. I am fully aware that there's degrees that you can't get into with a neonate like myself, but what are the benu Hakeem interests here in Chicago. [00:21:00] Speaker A: I see. Politics. Strange to hear that coming from your mouth. [00:21:07] Speaker D: Trust me, it's way stranger for me. [00:21:10] Speaker A: Well, all the same, it would be good of you to educate yourself on these matters. You're familiar, of course, with the departure of the gangrel and the bruja from the camarilla proper? Yes, of course. Then the rest is rather simple. The camarilla finds itself short on, shall we say, people skilled in the expressions of violence. And some of their number would turn to us to see that vacancy filled. [00:21:39] Speaker D: I see. I simply ask because, well, without saying too much too soon, I may be in a better position in the coming nights. [00:21:53] Speaker A: Well, Joshua, that's not the kind of sentence you can just leave hanging out in the open and not expect me to ask you to follow up. [00:22:01] Speaker D: Suffice to say, and I don't think it's any mystery, I was involved in doing a large service to prince Jackson. [00:22:11] Speaker A: Is that a fact? He didn't mention anything of the sort to me. [00:22:16] Speaker D: Yeah, it wasn't just me. I was thrown into a small group to get it done. But I think you know as well as I that a favor directly to the prince can usually lead to promotions. [00:22:33] Speaker A: At the very least, you are in possession of a rather large boon, assuming you have acquitted yourself with dignity. [00:22:40] Speaker D: Well, to the best of my ability, yes. [00:22:43] Speaker A: Then might I ask, why do you bring this up to me now? [00:22:47] Speaker D: I just sort of shrug and say I figured you were the person to ask, having some awareness of our goals here in the city. Well, if I'm in a position to achieve them. You catch my drift. [00:23:00] Speaker A: You intend to make yourself available to the needs of our clan? As the situation in Chicago develops, that. [00:23:09] Speaker D: Is much better put. Yes. [00:23:11] Speaker A: I must say, Joshua, I find this information surprising. Of course, we children of Hakeem are bound together in ways that most kindred can't properly appreciate, but you are not possessed of the qualities that make up the bedrock of our clan. She's referring, of course, to your background. The Banu hakeem are a warrior race from far flung Persia. The idea that a middle class white man could find himself inducted into their number is still strange for most banu hakeem. In fact, when we first met, you didn't seem to have much interest in these things at all. Has something changed? [00:23:54] Speaker D: I must admit that at least some of my interest in advancement is selfish, if you can imagine a kindred having selfish interests. And that sort of brings me into the other question I had for you. [00:24:11] Speaker F: Ah. [00:24:12] Speaker A: First the offer and now the ask. Very well. I'm listening. [00:24:18] Speaker D: What do you know about John Thickett's? [00:24:21] Speaker A: She pauses for a moment, her eyes narrowing, like she's trying to read between the lines before responding. If that's a name I'm supposed to recognize, Joshua, I can't say that it rings any bells. [00:24:35] Speaker D: He was a Benu hakeem. Austin area is where I became aware of him. Became aware of him? Persian swarthy. Kind of person who looked like he was supposed to be a vampire. [00:24:50] Speaker A: In Boston, you say? [00:24:53] Speaker D: Yes, if he had any establishments elsewhere in the country or the world. I don't know about them, of course. [00:25:04] Speaker A: And why would you? You've only been among our number for a short amount of time. I will confess, Joshua, that swarthy persians, was it? There are more than a few of those among the Banu hakeem, but not so many on the East Coast and fewer still in the Boston area. The man who you know as Thickett's. Hmm. Well, I won't speak out of turn. There are some things I would have to look into ahead of time. It's possible that I've come across him in the past. [00:25:38] Speaker D: Certainly. Take all the time you need. Not like we have much else. [00:25:43] Speaker A: If I may, why is this man important to you? [00:25:47] Speaker D: He was my sawyer. [00:25:50] Speaker A: Interesting. She leans back into the overstuffed leather fabric of the booth, stroking idly at her chin. Staring at you, reading. You wondering. Tell me, would you be willing to regale me with this story at a later date? [00:26:10] Speaker D: I would be more than happy to. [00:26:13] Speaker A: Wonderful. I'll have one of mine get in touch with you, and we'll see if we can't get to the bottom of this. [00:26:20] Speaker D: Of course. Thank you for your time, Khadijah. [00:26:24] Speaker A: I'm always available to be of service to our number, Joshua. Feel free to come to me with anything. [00:26:31] Speaker D: I slide out of the booth and nod her. [00:26:36] Speaker A: We'll be in touch as you depart. She's already reaching into her pocket, drawing out her cell phone, firing off text messages to god only knows. But while Joshua is injecting himself into sect wide conflicts what are the rest of you up to? schmendric, you don't like parties, right? [00:26:57] Speaker C: I'm not a big party person, no. But the change of clothes has actually kind of boosted my confidence a little bit. It's akin to putting makeup on a pig, but that doesn't seem to matter to me, as I just kind of give a twirl, watch the skirt go around, and kind of stride across the dance floor. There is someone in particular I would like to talk to today, though, so I'll give myself that minor distraction from feeling very fancy. [00:27:27] Speaker A: Well, who are you looking for as you take the rare opportunity to indulge in a flight of dancing? [00:27:35] Speaker C: Uh, Damien, actually. I know he's a busy guy, so if there's that moment where there's only one person hovering around him, I'm gonna make sure I impose myself upon him. [00:27:47] Speaker A: Well, the lead singer of Baby Chorus is certainly not difficult to find. He recognizes you from the diner. It wouldn't be too hard to grab his attention from the front row near the adoring fans while reaching up with their hands to bask in the presence of their favorite artist. [00:28:04] Speaker C: It's very cute that he has fans. [00:28:08] Speaker A: Do you consider yourself a baby chorus. [00:28:10] Speaker C: Fan, or no, not I mean, inasmuch as someone would like to support a Kindred band, I might buy a CD, but that's as far as it really goes. [00:28:25] Speaker A: Well, I won't tell him if you won't. [00:28:27] Speaker C: I won't. That's good. [00:28:31] Speaker A: Well, as mentioned, between sets, he is tending to some business. If you made enough a show of yourself, you could grab his attention. [00:28:41] Speaker C: So, Damien, those people we found earlier, who did we drop them off with? [00:28:50] Speaker A: Oh, our friends. That was bronwyn. You've never heard of her? [00:28:55] Speaker C: No. Who's, bronwyn. [00:28:58] Speaker A: She runs another Elysium across town. Real private type. Doesn't like crowds, but she owed us a favor. She's got a place where we can keep hold of those folks for a while. [00:29:10] Speaker B: I see. [00:29:12] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, normally it's the kind of thing that we'd handle by ourselves, but as you can see, these gestures around the room, most of my personnel are here or tied up with other matters. She's just going to keep eye on them until I have a chance to get to them. [00:29:28] Speaker C: Excellent. They were fairly tight lipped. I am curious of who hired them, or if they were even hired at all. I wouldn't hate asking them some questions as well. [00:29:42] Speaker A: Well, I mean, I don't have a problem with it, but it's kind of above my pay grade, if you know what I mean. And there aren't too many people above me on that ladder. [00:29:52] Speaker C: That's understandable. Is it possible you can fill me in? [00:29:57] Speaker A: Sure, I'll talk to PKJ about it. If he gives the green light, then sure. [00:30:03] Speaker C: Hey, if this Elysium Bronwyn runs is as fun as this one, what's it called? [00:30:09] Speaker A: Never heard of the Blue Velvet. I thought everyone in Chicago kind of knew with that story when it broke. [00:30:15] Speaker C: Kind of just got here. Granted, I lived here when I was human, way back when, but it's been some time. [00:30:23] Speaker A: Right. I'm sorry. I keep forgetting that. [00:30:26] Speaker C: Well, you seem busy tonight. I'll let you get back to what you're doing. [00:30:31] Speaker A: Appreciate it. Got to tend to the fans, right? [00:30:34] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:30:35] Speaker C: Just fill me in on what those guys say, please. [00:30:37] Speaker A: Sure thing. Like I said, if the prince gives it a thumbs up, I'll let you know. [00:30:42] Speaker E: Thanks. [00:30:43] Speaker A: So Damien is quick to tend to other business. Autographs, stage work, that kind of thing. It's strange how quickly he can transform from sheriff to superstar, but watching it, it's so natural. [00:30:57] Speaker C: And I'm just happy with the little tidbits of information I've got today. [00:31:03] Speaker A: Classic nosferatu move. Well, Rebecca, I think more than anyone else in the coterie, you belong here the least. How are you surviving? [00:31:15] Speaker E: Well, really, I wouldn't have made it this far if I didn't know how to survive. Unfamiliar circumstances, and this is certainly unfamiliar without the countless eyes on me. The scene that I've no doubt brought to this Elysium. It's going to be a tad more difficult than usual, but I feared through worse. I can get through one night of posturing and whispering. There's actually someone who I have been wanting to speak to for a while, but, well, time and circumstances have made that a tad more difficult than usual. And you know what? Might as well give it a crack. I'm going to scan the crowd for none other than Anita Wainwright. [00:31:53] Speaker A: Anita Wainwright. [00:31:56] Speaker E: Right. Bruja, of all things. Last kind of person I want to be associating with. Right. [00:32:02] Speaker A: I would guess that the Bruja part is a little less sensitive than the de facto leader of the Anarchs part. [00:32:11] Speaker E: Doubly so, but there's a cinchpin in that and something that I think we can commiserate over. [00:32:19] Speaker A: At the very least, you've already indebted yourself to the other person who considers himself the leader of the Anarchs. Why not get in bed with both of them? [00:32:28] Speaker E: I mean, it's going to cause some whispers, but I know why I'm here. [00:32:33] Speaker A: Well, Anita is not difficult to spot. Chicago has more than its fair number of waifish punks, jet black dyed hair in a quite fashionable undercut, wearing the kind of clothes that attract male attention, if only so she can snap at them, embarrass them when they're caught looking. And while you yourself are not a regular guest of Elysium, those who are would know that there are certain sections of the club where Anarchs choose to congregate. Under no circumstances would they consider themselves welcome on the third floor. But they have their own section of the second floor mezzanine. That makes her easy to spot from the dance floor and easier still to wander up to that part of the club. [00:33:21] Speaker E: Hey, Anita. Been a while. [00:33:25] Speaker A: She looks you up and down. There was a conversation going on, but then you showed up, and, well, that's enough to get everyone's attention. Turning your direction. Plenty of people saw you enter the club with that stranger who got handed off to Damien. And the Anarchs are no says, yeah, it has. You've been keeping busy lately? [00:33:52] Speaker E: Oh, believe me, not through any choice of my own. Just believe the term is just paying the due, so to speak. [00:33:59] Speaker A: Yeah, we don't do that so much among my friends. If you were looking for the Prince's boot liquor section, I believe you're a floor too low for that. [00:34:10] Speaker E: And that's not what I came to talk about tonight. [00:34:13] Speaker A: Well, we're here. We're friends. What's on your mind? [00:34:16] Speaker E: Have you been hunting lately, Anita? [00:34:19] Speaker A: There's something about that word in particular. For most kindred, the word hunt refers to the process of tracking down a meal. You hunt at a nightclub, you hunt in the alleys. But that's not what crosses Anita's mind. No, I can't say I've had time for that recently. [00:34:41] Speaker E: To be honest, the only reason why I agreed to this whole scheme was that I could. Get back to it, put some work into it. And it's a little lonely to do. Dangerous foolhardy, even. There's still werewolves out there, Anita. I mean, for as many promises made and pieces of paper signed, they're still prowling out there. [00:35:05] Speaker A: Typical fucking Jackson, making you what do they call it? You got to earn your hunter license. It's ridiculous, really. [00:35:14] Speaker E: Considering the way he reacted last time, it's quite lucky I haven't been branded with the other undesirables. [00:35:21] Speaker A: Sweetie, you're a gangrel. Whether they tell you to your face or not, you're undesirable. [00:35:27] Speaker E: Well, they don't tell me to my face, but the offer stands. Hunting would be a lot less foolhardy and I think a lot more productive if there were more than one of us prowling those streets. [00:35:41] Speaker A: Well, I tell you what. I'm going to take you up on that offer, if for no other reason than you desperately need some political education. We can go hunt. And, you know, if we don't find. [00:35:54] Speaker F: Anything, it'll still give me the chance. [00:35:56] Speaker A: To clear some of this camarilla bullshit out of your ears. [00:36:00] Speaker E: I'm glad you're considering the author. And believe me, this is for the good of everyone, regardless of alignments. [00:36:09] Speaker A: One of her hangers on chimes in. God, even when you say it straight to her face, she can't shake it. Cameral is deep in this one. Danita replies, yeah, but we can fix that, can't we, Rebecca? [00:36:25] Speaker E: I give her a strange smile. Of course. Thank you for speaking with me tonight. And I've got one goal finished if at the really? She's not chasing me away with cries of camarilla dog. [00:36:40] Speaker A: No, but before you can depart, it wouldn't be right for her to leave you without one last barb you've turned your back and taken three or four steps away. And she goes, oh, Rebecca, remember remember to get Daddy's permission first. A comment which brings a roar of laughter out of her companions. [00:37:01] Speaker E: Can't seem to shake it either way, whether it's some posturing camarilla upstart or anarch just looking to fuck with me. [00:37:10] Speaker A: Every vampire has to take sides. [00:37:14] Speaker E: As much as I hate to admit it, it's serving my goal so far. I have a noble goal in seeing that the garu do not overtake the streets and put mortals in harm's way ever again. [00:37:26] Speaker A: A higher calling than most vampires. Yes, we'll see how long you can wear that cloak of neutrality. Well, it seems all but one of you have managed to make a friend, have a conversation so far. Ivy LaRue, what is a witch to do at a gothic themed dance nightclub full of people who love your style and would just oh, my God. So interested to get to know you. [00:37:55] Speaker B: Well, I'm actually not super keen on making new friends right now, especially with this whole lasambra thing kind of looming. And I know that the Regent doesn't like to be bothered on Elysium nights, at least until after announcements have gone out. So I'd probably just find another Tramier neonate commiserate with them about the goings on, see if they've heard anything, kind of like, figure out what they know. So I'd probably go and find Portia, who I would have worked alongside in the Chantry. [00:38:30] Speaker A: I mean, yeah, so far as Tramir, Neo, and Nates go, there's only three of you in the city, and only one lives in the Chantry aside from you. [00:38:38] Speaker B: We get along well. [00:38:40] Speaker A: Well, judging by the scene here at Elysium, you are not the only one who gets along with Portia. Because she is center stage in the dance floor, attracting as much attention as any one person could attract. Not because she's behaving crassly or doing anything silly, but because, as my grandfather would say, they don't make them like her anymore. The dark haired woman who is central in a circle of, like, attractive women, she's peerless in her beauty, and she's taking full advantage of that in this place surrounded by these people. All of that is to say, sure, you can chat with Portia if you can make your way into the center of the dance floor and either peel her away from her hangers on. Or inject yourself between those people who just want to be so close to her. [00:39:39] Speaker B: Ivy LaRue on the dance floor not something you see every day. I've already kind of decided that I want to talk to Portia, so if this is what I have to do, it's just gonna have to be a thing. So I will make my way across the dance floor and try and get her attention and see if I can't peel her off for a couple of minutes to chat. Or maybe we'll chat on the dance floor. Probably not, though. It's probably far too loud, given the. [00:40:08] Speaker A: Amount of I mean, fun doesn't do it justice, right? There's an elation that comes with being the center of attention. Like that kind of woman who has a body crafted by God specifically to be nice to look at and knows it. I would say, like, maybe an all out nuclear strike on the city of Chicago could get her off the dance floor, maybe. So if you want in there, you're gonna have to get in there, and that's fine. The pressing question that I have is, are you dancing, or do you just walk out and inject yourself into that crowd? [00:40:47] Speaker B: I mean, I'm awkward, but I'm not that awkward, am I? I feel like I have to dance, at least try. [00:40:56] Speaker A: That is not a feeling I have ever been familiar with. [00:40:59] Speaker B: No fair. [00:41:03] Speaker A: But if Ivy can what do the kids say? If they can stanky leg, then by all means excuse me. [00:41:11] Speaker B: We can get into that later. I have no idea what that is. [00:41:13] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:41:14] Speaker B: No, I would like to dance across the dance floor then, I guess, and try and push my way in through the crowd of people to get to her like everybody else is doing. Apparently, yes. [00:41:27] Speaker A: But you do have one advantage, and that is that Portia recognizes AHA. You've spent a not insignificant amount of time together in the basement of the chantry, doing the small things that any chantry requires to stay on its feet, to stay operational. And the smile on her face when she catches you all the radiance of the sun none of the aggravated damage. You see her reaching out with those thinly, sculpted arms hands coming out to yours pulling you into a dancer's embrace meshing your bodies together now, baby chorus isn't what most people would call music to grind to, but rest assured that the dance you're performing now is what more conservative members of our society would call entirely too intimate for public. She reaches out to you with a voice the phrase voice like honey doesn't reach the heights of just how perfect that sound is. And as you're there faces close, bodies close, music everywhere. She's almost giggling as she reaches out to tease you ivy LaRue on the dance floor. I never thought I'd see that. I hope you don't mind if I take advantage of it. This might never happen again. [00:42:51] Speaker B: Well, you know, I was looking for a friendly face, and yours is the only one here, and you're on the dance floor, so here I am. [00:43:01] Speaker A: Be honest with me. When's the last time you went dancing? [00:43:06] Speaker B: Prom. [00:43:07] Speaker A: Oh, sweetie, if you have to think that long about it's been too long. [00:43:11] Speaker B: Clearly. [00:43:13] Speaker A: Well, don't worry. We can fix that. What's on your mind? And don't say my hips. That's cheating. [00:43:20] Speaker B: Okay, well, then let me get to item number two on my list. I just kind of wanted to chat about this whole Prince announcement. I'm sure. Well, maybe not. Clearly you've been busy on the dance floor. I was going to say, surely you've heard the whispers or seen our guest, who arrived a little bit ago. Just wanted to get your take on the whole situation. [00:43:45] Speaker A: Well, I mean, let's be clear. I would be here anyway, because oh, my God. Look around. But, yeah, everyone knows the Prince is up to something. I'm a little jealous that you got the call, but it's all right. It's whatever. [00:44:00] Speaker B: Well, see, you say that, but when you're attacked during the day sleep by people who are trying to set you on fire, you might have felt differently. [00:44:12] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Really? Yes. And then I have to say, if that's the truth, you still look fabulous. [00:44:21] Speaker B: Considering well, obviously, I had to make a stop off I smelled like gasoline not too long ago. [00:44:28] Speaker A: Yeah, you've got some grunge that's too grunge. [00:44:33] Speaker B: That's like mid 90s, like, way deep grunge. [00:44:40] Speaker A: Ivy, is it strange to speak so openly about things like the day sleep? About being attacked in the center of a dance floor? [00:44:50] Speaker B: Sort of, yes. But I don't know. It's weird. There's something about Portia that it feels different. I guess maybe it's because of all the time that we've spent together. It feels a little less formal when I'm chatting with her. And it's just like the walls kind of come down, you know? [00:45:11] Speaker A: Walls come down for you. Walls go up for other people. It's not a power you yourself are familiar with, but you've seen it. You know what it looks like when mortals are under the thrall of a vampire's awe. But you also know that particular discipline isn't something that your clan is generally privy to. There's a reason no one's paying attention to the words you're. [00:45:41] Speaker B: A it's usually a Toriador thing, isn't it? Or ventru. Both. [00:45:49] Speaker A: Yeah, both clans have access to that particular brand of power. [00:45:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:56] Speaker A: Not that you have much time to think about that. If portia's, hips, arms, face, eyes, if they have anything to say about it, your attention is at the very least, it doesn't linger on that question very long. So, I mean, like, if you were involved, that means you already know everything going on. [00:46:16] Speaker B: I mean, not everything, but enough, I suppose. [00:46:23] Speaker A: Okay, I know you can't tell me, but can we play a game? Maybe? [00:46:27] Speaker B: Okay, cool. I love games. Let's go. [00:46:29] Speaker A: All right. It's not super complicated. I'm sorry, I'm just now thinking this up. But here are the rules. I'm going to see if I can guess what the big deal is and you have to tell me if I'm right. [00:46:44] Speaker B: Okay, that's fair. I figured we were going to go 20 questions with it, but this is way more fun. [00:46:50] Speaker A: I don't think it'll take 20, but okay, fine. Two questions first. Animal, vegetable or mineral? [00:46:57] Speaker B: Animal. [00:46:59] Speaker A: Okay, animal. So it's not a stachy venturu. That would be vegetable and I mean gangrel. Normally animal. Yeah, but they have more of a mineral dirty vibe, so it's not a gangrel animal. Okay. Yeah. Okay, I think I'm ready to guess. Are you ready? [00:47:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm so ready. [00:47:19] Speaker A: I bet she's a lasambra. [00:47:23] Speaker B: Ding, ding, ding. [00:47:25] Speaker A: I bet you want to know how I know that, don't you? [00:47:28] Speaker B: People have kind of been talking the last couple days, so if I had to guess, you probably heard it from somebody else. [00:47:35] Speaker A: Really? You think, like, that kind of news just like, makes its way into the chantry? You live there. There's like a interesting information proof wall up around the whole place. [00:47:44] Speaker B: Yeah, I know, but I assumed that somebody might have overheard when I was telling Disable the other night. [00:47:50] Speaker A: Oh, my God. You think I would eavesdrop on you and the regent? [00:47:54] Speaker B: Yes. [00:47:55] Speaker A: I mean, you're right, obviously. Man, I can't believe it. You've gotten yourself into like a real mess. Like, if this goes wrong and there's your name on it, I'm not looking forward to having to do all the Neo name work by myself. [00:48:10] Speaker B: I know. Well, and you know, I've got fucking Jackson has me paired up with, get this, a nosferatu EW. A gangrel EW and a fucking banu hakeem. [00:48:30] Speaker A: Ivy, sweetie, I don't know how to tell you this, but if that's the kind of company that you keep, I don't think we can be seen together out here anymore. [00:48:36] Speaker B: I know. Trust me. Very unhappy about it. And the dude's a little psycho. [00:48:44] Speaker A: Because he's got because he's a banu hakeem? [00:48:46] Speaker B: Well, yes, but also he's got corkboards and red string and the whole nine. [00:48:51] Speaker A: Oh, my God. You didn't get any of that on you, did you? [00:48:53] Speaker B: No, I cleaned off everything. Don't worry. [00:48:58] Speaker A: Okay, well, that's good news. All right, well, look, babe, this has been great, but first of all, plenty of other people to talk to. That's you. And plenty of other people to meet. That's me. [00:49:10] Speaker B: No, of course. I should probably go find the group. I'm sure the prince will be announcing his whatever soon. [00:49:19] Speaker A: Hope so. Good luck, sweetie. [00:49:22] Speaker B: Thanks. [00:49:23] Speaker A: Bye. It takes less than a second before your place in line is immediately filled and you can just feel the weight of the crowd pushing you out away from portia's orbit as the conversation comes to a close. [00:49:40] Speaker B: I'm going to have to get her to teach me how to do that. That's really impressive. [00:49:45] Speaker A: It's all in the hips. Or so I'm told. [00:49:51] Speaker B: The TikTok video said it's all in the ankles. Now. I don't know what to believe. [00:49:56] Speaker E: What's? TikTok. [00:49:59] Speaker A: I got distracted because I was just imagining if making them cheeks clap would be a specialty in performance. [00:50:09] Speaker B: I hate that so much. Thank you. [00:50:12] Speaker A: It's my gift to you. [00:50:14] Speaker B: I love it. [00:50:16] Speaker C: So, given that we've had time to mingle for a while, is there still time for me to touch base with Charles, or is the prince going to make his announcement soon? [00:50:28] Speaker A: Well, ultimately, only the prince knows his schedule. But in Elysium's past, you can normally tell when the prince is about to come out. There's a certain amount of wrangling, more staff shows up. None of that has happened yet. You could probably track down Mr. Dawson. [00:50:45] Speaker C: Nice. So I start to kind of look around the outskirts for where a Nosferatu would usually hang out in these sorts of situations. [00:50:56] Speaker A: Well, there are only two places that a Nosferatu might feel comfortable in the Suckiva's Club. The first is all the way upstairs where there are fewer prying eyes to notice the hideous deformities that define your particular curse. But that's a little too highbrow for Charles. If you want to track him down, you should find the darkest corner in the building and then poke around. [00:51:22] Speaker C: Sure. Let's start with that. [00:51:24] Speaker A: Well, the Succubus Club is like any other. Not everyone can do cocaine in the bathroom. Some people need a corner underneath the stairs or back near the bar. Of course. Charles. He's an older nosferatu. He's been at this longer than you have. It's safe to assume that his mastery of obfuscate well, exceeds yours. Thankfully, he's more playful than nefarious. And as you creep over to that nice little splash of darkness under the stairwell, peeking around, looking for anybody, there's no one in that corner. Then you turn around and there are long claws on the small of your back. Boom. [00:52:08] Speaker C: Given our particular brand of gift, I suppose I kind of saw this coming. And I don't scare, but I turn around slowly and go, hey, Charles, how's it going? [00:52:23] Speaker A: Oh, come on. Nothing? Not even a little jump? Nothing at all? [00:52:26] Speaker C: Come on, that's my kind of game. [00:52:29] Speaker A: Good point. You can't outmaster the masters. Something like that. You know what? Doesn't matter. How's it going? Spendy it's good. [00:52:39] Speaker C: A little dicey yesterday, or rather, a little dicey during the day, we were attacked doing favors for the prince, so that was great. [00:52:50] Speaker A: Yeah, you know, that happens when you start doing favor for the prince. Just kind of like a thing. [00:52:56] Speaker C: Listen, I didn't intend to show up and immediately start doing favors, but that's kind of how it works, doesn't it? [00:53:03] Speaker A: I wouldn't know anything about that. [00:53:07] Speaker C: I did want to thank you for I'm sure you had eyes on us, but you did not interfere or make it difficult, so I appreciate that. [00:53:18] Speaker A: Well, I can swear, hand on my heart, didn't look for anything at the airport. [00:53:26] Speaker C: Well, I'm impressed then. Thank you. [00:53:31] Speaker A: The highway, the side streets, the security camera as well. I mean, that wasn't part of the deal, was it? [00:53:37] Speaker C: No, it wasn't. [00:53:38] Speaker A: You've made some interesting friends, haven't you? [00:53:41] Speaker C: Yeah, it appears so. One of them is now missing. So that's spicy. [00:53:47] Speaker A: Extra spicy. Like ghost pepper spicy. [00:53:53] Speaker C: I never got to try one of those. Probably should. [00:53:55] Speaker A: Not too late. [00:53:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it's not too late for me. Anyways, what do you given? You have quite a lot more knowledge about this city than I do. What do you think's happening tonight? [00:54:11] Speaker A: Well, from underno, that answer hinges on two hypotheticals. First, hypothetical, that I know who your guest is. Second hypothetical, that I know what the prince is up to. And I mean, I don't want to disappoint you. Hate to disappoint you. You know how much it hurts me to disappoint you. We've been friends for so long. I only know the answer to half of those things. [00:54:37] Speaker C: I assume you know who this is. And that you don't know what the prince is up to, which is the. [00:54:43] Speaker A: Same boat I'm in the very moment you start that sentence. He's just exaggerated nodding. [00:54:51] Speaker C: Yeah, well, soon enough, I assume, both of our hunger for answers is relieved. [00:55:00] Speaker A: I mean, look at all the people who showed up. The prince can't come out and give a half assed answer, not with the kind of crowd he's assembled here. He's not that good a prince. [00:55:10] Speaker C: Looks like even Anarchs were invited. [00:55:12] Speaker A: Don't know that invited is the right word, at least. I wouldn't use that the next time we talk to the prince. But some news it's bigger than the normal government form violence thing that the young kids are into these days. Yeah. You're not one of them, are you? [00:55:30] Speaker C: No. Been too integrated into the system, I'm afraid, man. [00:55:36] Speaker A: Well, no shit. [00:55:37] Speaker C: Also, I had my rebellious stage and I paid the price for it. So going to behave a little more this time around. [00:55:46] Speaker A: Really? [00:55:47] Speaker C: Kind of. No promises. [00:55:50] Speaker A: You're going to look at me with those eyes? You're going to look me in the face with those eyes and you're going to lie to me like that? schmendric. [00:55:57] Speaker C: Listen, I'm trying to behave. It's very difficult for me. [00:56:02] Speaker A: Oh, sure, I try to behave, too. Look where it gets me. Look, we all try, you know, getting. [00:56:08] Speaker C: Into trouble, beat's, just hiding in the sewer. So I'll take it some days that's my attitude. [00:56:15] Speaker A: Ugh. Chip off the old block. [00:56:17] Speaker C: I like you, Charles. [00:56:18] Speaker B: Oh. [00:56:19] Speaker C: I have to give you the rest of the information. You want to meet up at some point to do? [00:56:25] Speaker A: Absolutely. I do. Yes. You have somewhere in mind? I'd say you can come to my place, but no offense, you have a nasty habit of interrupting me when I'm you know. [00:56:36] Speaker C: You can come to my place if you want, but it's not I mean, it's as safe as it's going to be, so sure. [00:56:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:43] Speaker C: And see where I live. [00:56:45] Speaker A: Excellent. Is this like a normal guest thing? Do we need to bring something? Wine, flowers? [00:56:51] Speaker C: No. [00:56:54] Speaker A: Straight to business. That kind of party? [00:56:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:56:57] Speaker A: Dress code. [00:56:59] Speaker C: Well, I shouldn't say no dress code. You got me normal, everyday human clothes. [00:57:07] Speaker A: I can do that. [00:57:08] Speaker C: Okay. But also leave the man at the desk alone if you could. I don't want to get all possessive of humans, but that one's mine. [00:57:18] Speaker A: Oh, you got a guy? [00:57:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I make his life difficult. [00:57:23] Speaker A: Like a guy guy. [00:57:25] Speaker C: Well, once you see him. [00:57:30] Speaker A: Is he your guy or is like, oh, God, no. [00:57:33] Speaker C: He despises me on some level, I think. [00:57:36] Speaker A: So he is your guy? [00:57:37] Speaker C: Well, if you define it that way, then yes. [00:57:41] Speaker A: Well, I mean, like, I thought everyone knew the difference between, like, your guy and your guy. [00:57:45] Speaker C: Can't say as I do. [00:57:48] Speaker A: So much to teach you kids these days. They just pop out into the night. They don't know nothing. [00:57:54] Speaker C: I would kind of just shoot the shit with Charles a little while longer and await for the announcement from the prince. [00:58:02] Speaker A: Well, Charles is happy for your company, at least. There's one other mischief minded kindred around. [00:58:09] Speaker C: Oh, also, at some point, I would probably go meet up with the others, since this kind of involves us or I assume it involves us to some degree. [00:58:19] Speaker A: That is exactly the next question that I was going to ask, is that once you are all finished with your respective conversations, dance offs, do you bother meeting back up, or I would make an effort. [00:58:32] Speaker B: Yeah. My plan was after talking to portia was meeting back up with the group. [00:58:39] Speaker E: You're being verbally pummeled by one group of YouTubes. Why not go to another? [00:58:44] Speaker A: I mean, yeah, that's fair. [00:58:46] Speaker D: Figure everybody probably knows at this point that we're a group, so no point in trying to stay apart. [00:58:56] Speaker B: Well, hold on. We are not a group. We just were the group that brought in the kindred. Please don't get it twisted. [00:59:05] Speaker D: Well, we came here as a group, is my point. [00:59:07] Speaker A: I mean, I don't know, Ivy. You hang out with someone, you keep getting seen together, it's only a matter of time before people think you're a couple. [00:59:14] Speaker B: Well, that's why I had to break it up and go hang out with Portia for a bit. Look, if people thought that me and Portia were together, that would be great. [00:59:22] Speaker A: But, you know yeah, I mean, I don't understand that Ivy Ludo character. Like, on the one hand, she has friends like Portia, but also, really she's slumming in with that Joshua Crozier guy. He looks like he should be like the assistant manager at a bowling alley. [00:59:36] Speaker B: That's accurate, isn't it? [00:59:37] Speaker E: Wow, that's really mean. [00:59:40] Speaker D: Actually, I just want to go home and add to my wall. [00:59:46] Speaker A: It's funny, because when Joshua says that, Charles also says it, you're talking about very different things, the two of you. [00:59:53] Speaker B: Very different things. Oh, God, I don't even want to. [00:59:57] Speaker A: Think about Charles as I let that simmer for all of you, just wherever your mind takes you. Well, regardless of what Chicago's other kindred make of your coterie, if it's even a coterie, at this point, any speculation or discussion they have on the matter will soon be interrupted. The band stops playing Baby Chorus, setting down their instruments, and for once, everyone leaves the stage. The bartenders have stopped serving. Everybody is looking towards the center of the stage, even the Anarchs, Genjius, Anita, all of them, their non stop jostling and cajoling falling silent. Prince Kevin Jackson appears, entering from the rear of the stage, immaculately dressed in the kind of suit that tens of thousands of dollars can't even tailor that well. He takes a moment adjusting his burgundy pocket square and then steps fully into the single beam of light cast down from the rafters. He smiles wide, opens his arms. Welcome to Elysium. As always, it warms this old soul to see so many familiar faces among our number tonight. I want to take this opportunity, of course, to thank Damien Baby Chorus for the entertainment and our escort group, or as I've recently been informed, perhaps the better word is bodyguards, considering the day's activities. Joshua rebecca ivy schmendrick. It's kindred like you that make unlife just a teeny bit easier. So as they say, props. [01:01:46] Speaker B: Why does that bother me when he says props? [01:01:49] Speaker E: Don't like that, if that's what bothers you. I'm just bothered by being acknowledged at all. Don't like it. [01:01:58] Speaker C: For my part, getting actually mentioned by name causes me to smile, but it's one of those forced smiles, like, oh, my God, why is this happening to me? [01:02:11] Speaker A: It's like it's middle school and you just let out a bellowing fart in the middle of an assembly. [01:02:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:02:18] Speaker A: Everyone in the room is looking at you. You don't have the peace of mind that comes with knowing well, some of them are mortal and don't care, because before the Prince speaks, those bodies have been convinced to leave every single pair of eyes in the club peering down at you from the third floor, the second floor, mezzanine across the dance floor. Every single one of them is a predator, and they've all got you in their sights. [01:02:49] Speaker B: I would take a cue from my days winning awards and being in the limelight and just turn and give a small wave and a smile. [01:03:00] Speaker A: Being polite, of course, the Prince continues. Now, I don't want to drag things out any further. I know despite my best of efforts to keep these things under wraps, there are those of you who already know what's going on. I'm just going to take the moment and address the elephant in the room, as they say. He gestures behind himself where Sierra is waiting just in the wings. I'm aware my decision to invite such uncommon guests into Chicago is controversial, to say the least. However, I'm sure there's a good reason why our dear guests have embarked upon such a dangerous journey into Camarilla land. For those of you slow on the uptank, if it already wasn't clear our visitor is of Clan Lasombra, please approach the stage under our banner of peace. I'm certain we're all interested in what you have to say. Sierra walks forward with a confidence that only surviving Clan La Sombra can build. Surrounded by her enemies, she is nevertheless possessed of a cool, steely demeanor, as if she is the one commanding the room and not this Camarilla prince. She takes the microphone from his hand and proceeds past him to the very edge of the stage. I am Sierra von Burris. My presence in this town is not a matter of flight, betrayal, hunger for power, or destruction. My brother and I have been sent here as representatives of our clan with one purpose in mind. Clan Lusombra wishes to join the Camarilla. For a moment, the entire room is frozen. Even Prince Jackson looks surprised at this announcement. But that piece only lasts for so long. Immediately, Genjis from the Mezzanine shoots up from his chair, throws a glass of whatever he was pretending to drink against the wall, screaming to the Prince that he cannot allow decades of Sabat supporters to infiltrate and destroy the Camarilla from within. Are you crazy? Across the way, another voice. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the Anarch's job. Right? And just that little spark is enough to send waves of frustration and anger burning through the room. What seconds before was a calm, peaceful, almost jovial atmosphere in elysium has been replaced by something fearful, frustrated, angry. The anarch section of the building is now bursting with mocking, hideous laughter. And then the fighting starts. Alexa Santos, one of the prince's favorite hounds, was already on her way up the stairs when Genghis started speaking short behind her, if for no other reason than her patience has been worn entirely too thin. The gangrel primogen, Rosa Hernandez, is quick in toe. They have to walk past you to get where they're going. Are you going to intercede? [01:06:18] Speaker B: I have no desire to stop the hounds from doing their due. [01:06:23] Speaker E: Considering that I was just speaking with the Anarchs, that's not going to end well for me. If I choose to be the middleman. [01:06:30] Speaker D: There, can I go with them? [01:06:33] Speaker A: Absolutely, if that's what you'd like to do. [01:06:36] Speaker D: Yeah. I figure if I'm shooting for a position as a hound, what better way to prove myself? [01:06:44] Speaker A: Ambition is only ever part of the equation. Right. The other half is recognizing when opportunity is making itself available and seizing it. So is our three wallflower kindred watch. Joshua is now tearing up the stairs on the heels of another hound. There's already screaming, snarling, claws bared, fangs bared. At the moment, it's just barbs being traded. But Joshua, you know, that's going to change in seconds. How do you spend that time? [01:07:16] Speaker D: I want to basically ascertain who here is visibly like when you watch a fight start, there's always the first punch that's thrown and you can usually see it coming. I want to try and find out who is about to throw that punch. [01:07:37] Speaker A: Well, that is an interesting question and I think to answer it, we're going to have to rely on your experience. [01:07:43] Speaker F: In fights like these. [01:07:45] Speaker A: Will you roll composure and brawl? [01:07:47] Speaker D: For me, that is two successes. [01:07:52] Speaker A: You are a detective, but it doesn't take one to see where this is going. Among the Anarchs, Genjis has the shortest temper. And it's obvious by the way they're looking at one another that he and Alexis no shortage of bad blood there. The way that his feet are positioned, the way that his shoulders are coiled. You know, the second that she gets in range, he's going for a sucker punch. [01:08:16] Speaker D: How close is Genjis to the balcony? [01:08:19] Speaker A: Well, the upper floor isn't that big. Genjis is closer to the railing than he is the wall. [01:08:26] Speaker D: I can see all this happening in slow motion. I know that as soon as Genjis throws a punch and then Alexa throws another punch, it's just going to be a fucking mess. So as soon as I have figured out exactly what is about to happen, I just want to basically get in a linebacker position and just run forth and just shove my shoulder into Genjis's gut with the aim of throwing him backwards over the balcony. And I want to make sure this goes well for me, so I am going to blood search. [01:09:04] Speaker A: You've got. To make it all count, right? Well, first things first. Let's get that rouse check out of the way. [01:09:10] Speaker D: That is a hunger gain. [01:09:13] Speaker A: I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to deal with that after Elysium. Now, I need you to make a strength and brawl roll. [01:09:21] Speaker D: Three successes. [01:09:23] Speaker A: Genjis has his eyes on Alexa. Rosa is there but a half step behind between the three of you. The Anarchs know those two threats. They are elder, powerful, vicious, kindred. You're an unknown quantity, but it's safe to assume you're not the most dangerous person in this standoff. For that reason, Genji is caught entirely by surprise when you spring off the line of scrimmage, cross that 1 where he's standing and shoulder into him. He's not the largest man you ever encountered. And with your shoulder low, your center of gravity angled correctly, it's nothing to lift him off his feet and send him careening off the second story. Were he mortal, that landing would have definitely knocked the wind from his lungs. As he stands up, with Alexa and Rosa making their way towards the rest of the Anarchs, with Damien already on his feet, the other hounds emerging from their positions, it's the fight that got knocked out of your friend. He knows he's outnumbered. And while Gengius is an asshole, he's only lived this long by knowing when to cut his losses. There's no shortage of swears, of slurs, of promises, of future violence. But none of that's going to come now. After all, you don't hurt one another in Elysium, right? You likely assist the others as they escort the remaining Anarchs out of the room. If you expect to be chastised for your decisions, you might be surprised. Alexa is smiling as wide as her mouth will allow her giving you a hearty slap on the back as you return. The rest of the room doesn't have a chance to become agitated. The prince is the first to call upon the disciplines dominate presence to calm the crowd. Those loyal primigen are eager to jump in, his ventrue allies likewise. And soon enough, one by one, this horde of predators is cowed. There's a long, awkward silence. In truth, perhaps only a few minutes. But in that moment hours, the prince is barking for his primigen, for his sheriff, for his hounds to join him. And whatever kindred remain, well, they're at least there to enjoy the remains of an awkward moment. As inappropriate as the time is, the chandelier once again begins to turn. The prince's spotlight is dimmed, and the room fills instead with twinkling lights of green, red and violet. How are you all reacting to this? [01:12:18] Speaker E: I mean, if there's ever been a demonstration of why I stay out of these events, that was it. But damn. Josh. [01:12:29] Speaker A: Mr. Crozier, on a scale from zero to ten, with zero being not smug at all, and ten being the smuggiest smugger to ever smug through smugtown, how are you feeling? [01:12:39] Speaker D: Likely a six or a seven. [01:12:42] Speaker A: That's it? [01:12:43] Speaker D: Well, that's the thing. I need to be careful not to look too smug. Right. I need to look like I was just doing my duty. So as it is to try and not look too smug, I need to curb my actual internal smugness. [01:13:02] Speaker A: That is clever. [01:13:03] Speaker B: You're going to have to teach me how to do that later, because I don't know anything about that. [01:13:08] Speaker A: The shouldering or the not appearing smug? [01:13:10] Speaker B: The not appearing smug. I don't know how to do that. [01:13:14] Speaker E: Isn't that your Claire curse? [01:13:17] Speaker A: That was clever. [01:13:18] Speaker C: I am getting out of this mess. I am removing myself from the more crowded areas and sticking to the sidelines until this resolves. I am both horrified and impressed by Joshua right now. He just started some major shit with the and, uh, good thing we're not a coterie, because if we were, that would come bite me in the ass later. But we're not. Yet. [01:13:44] Speaker A: I'm certain that Chicago's kindred are willing to make the distinction between an official coterie and just four people who hang. [01:13:49] Speaker E: Out one time, not even by our own choice. So hopefully, no grudges will be held against a lot of us. [01:13:58] Speaker A: How's that old joke go? Do they call me Seamus the bridge builder? [01:14:01] Speaker B: No, but you fuck one sheep. [01:14:05] Speaker A: Well, the prince is obviously too busy to answer your questions at the moment, and nobody else appears interested in speaking to you, given the uncertain nature of your role in all of this, a reputation no doubt made worse when Damien comes out from the back of the club, looks directly at you, and waves you over. [01:14:26] Speaker B: Great. [01:14:28] Speaker E: This bodes well. [01:14:29] Speaker B: I'm sure it'll be fine. [01:14:31] Speaker D: Yeah, I wouldn't worry about mm hmm. [01:14:34] Speaker B: I'm worried about you. But I'm less worried about Damien than I am about you. [01:14:41] Speaker A: Because if it comes down to it, damien's not the one who's going to end up on the mm hmm. [01:14:49] Speaker C: See, I'm just eager to get this over with so it can be behind me. Clearly, this is just resolution going to happen. [01:14:56] Speaker E: Yes. Just got to let this flow. Like water under a bridge. Quite frankly, I don't want to repeat this ever again. [01:15:04] Speaker B: Not wanting to exist under the gaze of all of the kindred who don't want to talk to us and are incredibly suspicious of us. Now, I would very much like to go into the back where Damien is waiting for us. [01:15:18] Speaker E: It's not wise to ignore the sheriff. [01:15:20] Speaker C: The back seems a whole lot more comfy now than the prying, angry eyes. [01:15:26] Speaker B: Of the rest of the crowd. [01:15:27] Speaker C: So, yeah, the back. [01:15:28] Speaker A: Well, those of you expecting this to begin with, an admonishment of Josh's behavior will be sorely, sorely disappointed. No, just on the other side of the door, the glamouring glitz of the club gives way to plain hallways, the kind of place you'd store extra equipment for stage shows or where waiters or other staff can move behind the scenes undetected. Damien isn't keen to let you wander too far into what are the very private parts of the Succubus club. But there's no rage in his eyes, no threat as you come closer. Quite the contrary, he's not smiling. The mood of the evening isn't right for that. But with a small degree of exasperation, tiredness at having to deal with the night's events, he says, look, y'all did good night's. Not over yet. Prince is going to be busy for a bit, but he's asked the four of you to hang around. I don't know how long it's going to be until he's ready to see you, but he did tell me that if you want to visit our guest, she's down in the basement where the meat usually hangs, password's loading. And remember, she's still under Elysium rules, though, so no harm should come to her. [01:16:45] Speaker C: I have no intention of harming her, but, yeah, I imagine the prince has a few fires to put out right now, so talk might be good. [01:16:54] Speaker B: I turn and just look at Josh in this moment. [01:16:57] Speaker D: I glance back at Ivy, but it's just for a moment. And I turn back to Damon and I say, all right, sure. Thanks. [01:17:07] Speaker F: The unlife has a way of intensifying poisoning, twisting people's beliefs. The transition from mortal life to kindred unlife really only has one of two modes. Either you double down on things that held your morality together when you were alive, or you find those axioms twisted and perverted as you give in to the realities of empiric existence on a night to night basis. The choices that determine which path you go down are small, if they come up at all. Now you're in the middle of them. [01:17:47] Speaker A: For better or for worse. [01:17:48] Speaker F: There's not a lot you can do about that right now. You're certainly not going to ditch another message from the prince, so you're on that road, whether you like it or not. I will say that whatever level of anxiety exists among you, it is likely significantly higher for Joshua Crozier, who at this moment is sitting on the cusp of dangerous hunger. [01:18:13] Speaker D: It's been an exciting night. [01:18:15] Speaker F: Well, no matter your feelings about kindred protocol, you know, it is a hideously bad idea to go into a meeting with the prince with your guts burning. [01:18:26] Speaker D: That brightly, given that we appear to have some free time before the prince can have an audience with us. I would excuse myself from my acquaintances and go to find something to eat. I slowly stand up and look around and say, well, if you all don't mind, I'm going to excuse myself for a few minutes. I don't want to go into this with an appetite. With that, I will nod and leave the backstage area. [01:19:01] Speaker F: Where are you headed? [01:19:03] Speaker D: Are there snacks provided here? [01:19:07] Speaker F: So that depends entirely on your definition of snacks and your definition of provided. The succubus Club is a functioning nightclub. There are mortal patrons filtering in and out all night long. That said, there's not a juice bar in the back, right? There are not vessels set aside or locations set aside, particularly for feeding. [01:19:34] Speaker D: Okay. I would like to wait somewhere in some corner where not many mortals are hanging out or filtering through. Just wait for an opportune target to walk on by and quickly, quietly, covertly take a bite. [01:19:53] Speaker F: Well, lurking doesn't take very long to. [01:19:56] Speaker A: Get you a bit of what you're after. [01:19:58] Speaker F: Although I expect you weren't ready to be approached in the way that you are. As you take up station in one of the darker corners of an already dark building, a young, rail thin, train spotting, frail looking man shuffles into your orbit, first leaning on a nearby pillar and then inching closer as just opportunity allows until eventually he's within distance where he can reach out and just give a small tug at the corner of your sleeve. [01:20:30] Speaker A: Hey, dude. Are you one of them? [01:20:36] Speaker D: Depends on what you mean by one of them. [01:20:40] Speaker F: I mean, you know, like one of he tilts his head to the side and reveals his neck. [01:20:48] Speaker D: Why are you asking? [01:20:55] Speaker F: I know what you all kind of do, and if you're over here, I figured you might want to, you know, do that do that thing. [01:21:06] Speaker D: I take a breath because obviously, as hungry as I am, that's a pretty choice offer to just be handed. But I want to look him up and down and say, are you on something? [01:21:23] Speaker F: No, man, it's not like that at all. I know that, and you do it. It's just, like it's so good, man. I was just like if you wanted to drink, then. [01:21:40] Speaker A: I can pay you. [01:21:40] Speaker F: Back for it if you want. [01:21:43] Speaker D: No, I don't need payment with that. I would accept his offer. [01:21:49] Speaker F: He's all too thrilled to give you his neck. Joshua has encountered one of Elysium's many blood dolls, humans who don't know the whole truth about vampires, but know that being fed from is a drug like no other. They call it the kiss because it is erotic and sublime. And if you're put in a position where you can recognize the way to get that drug, well, of course you'll chase it down. It would, of course, be rude to drink someone dead in Elysium. But you're also very hungry, Joshua. [01:22:29] Speaker D: Of course. I can feel the urge, the hunger. But I do my best to keep it in restraint. I mentally promise the Beast imminent power, imminent ascension of the latter, things like that. [01:22:49] Speaker A: I do sincerely hope that the Beast. [01:22:51] Speaker F: Is going to listen to you. But to answer that question, I'm going to need you to make a hunger frenzy. [01:22:58] Speaker A: Check. [01:23:00] Speaker D: Well, that's to be expected. That would be two successes. So a frenzy. [01:23:08] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:23:10] Speaker F: The beast lacks your patience, Joshua. It doesn't trust you implicitly. It doesn't believe the promises that you make. This creature that lives in your bones has its own prerogatives. And at this moment, as hungry as it is, it isn't willing to take the risk that you'll find the next meal in time. So you draw this pitifully thin human being up into your arms, you sink your fangs into his neck, and you begin to drink. It's no question that you're going to take more than is likely safe from this man's veins. The more important question I'm assuming you think this is the more important question is are you going to be able to stop in time? So as that crimson sustenance spills into your throat and you can feel his pulse starting to grow thread bare as it takes just a little more energy each time to slurp an appropriate mouthful. [01:24:12] Speaker A: Do you have the willpower to put that aside? [01:24:16] Speaker D: Even as the beast clouds my judgment overwhelms my mind, I am, in at least some small part aware of the potential consequences of not stopping. I would like to summon all my willpower to try and tear myself away. [01:24:38] Speaker F: Well, in that case, I'm going to ask you for a willpower check. [01:24:43] Speaker D: That would be four successes. [01:24:46] Speaker F: Well, that's great news. You've already made a fairly positive impression on Sheriff Damien and his hounds. You wouldn't want to erase all of that good work by leaving a dead body in a corner of Elysium. That said, you know you've already taken too much. You saved this man's life with your willpower. But as you pull your fangs back and lick the wound clean, you just have a half drained husk in your arms. There's nothing left to do but leave him to slump in the corner. Maybe to be found, maybe to recover. But both of those things should probably happen when you're not around. [01:25:29] Speaker D: Even though I know he can't hear me, I mutter a quiet apology, and then I would bring him somewhere where he will hopefully be found and noticed, taken care of. Hopefully. Somebody assumes it was just an overdose of some sort and don't realize that he's missing an unhealthy amount of blood until I'm long gone. [01:25:55] Speaker F: It's the best you can do in these circumstances. If you're lucky, someone will mistake him for a druggie strung out, took too much. If you're unlucky, he'll be found by someone who recognizes what's going on. But in this moment, you've done all you can to protect both your victim and yourself. Heading backstage, then? [01:26:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I have an appointment. [01:26:24] Speaker F: What's the look on your face as you slip back behind those double doors to rejoin the rest of the coterie? [01:26:31] Speaker D: I have a pretty pleasant look on my face. Even with the narrowly averted disaster that was my feeding, I've still fed. I feel significantly better. [01:26:47] Speaker F: You do? [01:26:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:26:51] Speaker F: If for no other reason than you've taken enough blood out of this anonymous creature to reduce yourself to only one hunger. [01:26:58] Speaker B: Rebecca and Schmendrick would be mortified at your actions. [01:27:03] Speaker E: Jeez, it just took one for me to realize maybe I shouldn't be doing that. But, hey, no judgment. We all make mistakes. No one's perfect. [01:27:13] Speaker C: He actually did what he could in that situation, other than call the ambulance or something. But I doubt an ambulance rolling up to Elysium would do all that well, right? [01:27:26] Speaker F: He did the best he could, given the circumstances. And he at least put effort into avoiding a mistake. [01:27:32] Speaker E: That's really all you can ask of one person kindred, really. Anyone. [01:27:39] Speaker F: Well, at the very least, you won't have much time to talk about it. Before we get into anything else, I'd like to know what that mood is. You've seen Josh linebacker genjis off of a balcony. You've already seen that the entire city's worth of vampires, from the Primogen down to the nobodies, all have your name and number on this. [01:28:06] Speaker A: And it's not over. [01:28:07] Speaker F: So how are you feeling? [01:28:10] Speaker D: I feel the sort of tense awareness that change is no longer on the horizon. Change is here. The Lusombra are apparently planning on joining the Camarilla. I have come out of my shell, so to say, and now have actual proper political ambitions. And so far, I think I might be good at it. So my mood is tense, but looking forward. [01:28:41] Speaker E: I promised myself when Tucson was over, I was going to perform my duties and use this life for what it was given for, to protect. But here I am. I just brought two of the biggest enemies together. A shocking announcement with all the city's eyes on me and I'm smack in the middle of it. But who knows? Maybe some good can come of tonight regarding the connections I've made. So I'm feeling a bit disappointed, certainly tense, but there's that little inkling of something good has to come of this. [01:29:19] Speaker A: Does it? [01:29:21] Speaker E: I didn't make it this far without some good things happening. [01:29:26] Speaker F: I'm not sure that those rules apply to vampires, but you know what? [01:29:29] Speaker A: It's early. Who knows? [01:29:33] Speaker E: Who knows? [01:29:36] Speaker F: Schmendric or ivy. [01:29:38] Speaker B: I'm annoyed, quite frankly. [01:29:41] Speaker F: Just in general or something? [01:29:45] Speaker B: Yes, both. [01:29:48] Speaker F: I was asking because you saying you're annoyed is like me saying the sun's out at noon. So I was just trying to figure out what's different. [01:29:58] Speaker B: The difference between the normal annoyance that I possess and this annoyance is that this annoyance is actually worse. I've had the last couple of days spending time with kindred that I don't normally associate with. And I was told that this would just be very simple. Drop off some people, there'd be a thing at Elysium, and then it would be done. And I gave everything that I knew to Disable, who has now found out that she's Lasombra and that they're joining the Camarilla. And I can't imagine that du Sable doesn't think that I knew everything going into this. [01:30:41] Speaker F: Yeah, that's a bad look, isn't it? [01:30:43] Speaker B: It really is. Because now I still have to deal with the prince, I still have to deal with the sheriff, and Du Sable's gonna be annoyed at best that I did not tell him about their plans. And there's no amount of me saying, no, I swear I had no idea in which he'll believe me. I'm annoyed. [01:31:07] Speaker F: That does sound like a bit of a predicament, doesn't? Well, what about you, schmendric? You don't owe anyone anything? You don't have a boss to report to. [01:31:18] Speaker C: I did kind of initially approach this with a this will be fun and interesting. It's an annoyance, but at least it'll be something outside of the norm. It's quickly turned into an anxiety type situation. The club was fun and then this happened and everyone attributes me and these other three people to it now, and the La, sombra I don't have a whole lot of love for because it's that whole holier than thou attitude. They are vampires, so they get to do whatever they want. That doesn't jive well with me. So not exactly excited to have them in the camarilla, but at the same time, this could be a good thing where they will learn that restraint that I hold dear. [01:32:06] Speaker F: You're hoping you can, in fact, teach an old dog new tricks? [01:32:11] Speaker C: Well, they'll have to adhere to the masquerade, whether or not they can be taught old tricks or not. [01:32:17] Speaker B: Rebecca seems to be learning fairly quickly, though. [01:32:23] Speaker F: Well, Rebecca, as our expert dog trainer, what happens if the old dog can't be taught? What do you have to do, really? [01:32:31] Speaker E: There's only one choice either leave him out in the desert or bullet between the eyes. But I don't think either of those works for kindred unless there's a blazing sun out. [01:32:41] Speaker A: Well, at the very least, there aren't. [01:32:42] Speaker F: Many deserts in Chicago, so that narrows. [01:32:44] Speaker A: Your options down a bit, doesn't it? We'll see how all of this progresses, but that's a story for another night. You've been listening to the All Night Society, an actual play podcast brought to you by Queen's Court Games. 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